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documentary photography

documentary photography – observing the lifestyles of the local dwellers. this album includes photographs taken during visits to various unpopular and non-tourist residential areas of Israel as well as some of the political events in the center of the country. it is not my idea of ​​agitation or political explanation.


First series of photographs taken during my first visit to Jisr az-Zarqa. Jisr az-Zarqa – the Arab town in Israel that is located almost in the middle of the country. I visited this small town with the group of other Israel’s photographers with an idea to document the life of the people of this town.


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Bedouin sheep market is special place and must-see event, especially before the Muslim religious holidays.
tense atmosphere created by high prices for sheep and the complete absence of the female half of the population. the second part of this day was spent in a few bedouin villages, where the atmosphere was much more hospitable. as well as in Jisr az-Zarqa, children and young people make up a large part of the population.


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Political demonstrations are very frequent phenomenon in Israel by reason of democracy and freedom of speech (ok, almost complete freedom of speech).


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26 Replies to “documentary”

    1. a bit crazy work .. may be i’ll write some post with explain about 🙂
      thank you very much !

  1. C’est très beau mais triste. C’est une population marginalisée. J’espère que l’homme arrêtera d’être un con.

    1. actually you can say this about every population and nation – for example all the population in Europe. do not you see the similarities?

    1. i always feel i i lost myself in terms. documentary photography – is photography that documenting life, and moments.. so, why not ?

  2. Victor- such a favorite album of mine! These photos show some of your best work! This is good documentary work. No need to explain except place and time you were there for that inquisitive man above. The people and children tell stories by their actions. They show emotions by what you capture through your lens. I want to buy photo of the smiling little girl that I said resembled me a tiny bit when I was young. Then with it I want a picture of the children acting silly in a group. I do not think these are on Redbubble site. What do I do? I also want the picture of little boy called ” I See The Music” and ” The Bulgaria” . I will have to save to get them . I can’t get them all at once but the boy is not on Redbubble anymore either. Just tell me what I need to do ? Thank you very much … Irenadawn

    1. Hey Jos ! thank you for the visit !
      you’re right – Netherlands should be absolutely interesting – to talk with real Netherlands citizens, to walk and to drive from village to small city and to breath the fresh Air ! on my map for sure !

  3. Wonderful series, both the arab village and the demonstrations for free speech..very topical …some gems amongst them , my favourite being the photo of muslims praying and the young boy peeping somehow from under his arm at what is happening behind.
    Love the quality,use of light, vision. humanity and processing (or lack of it) of your photos in this series. Top notch stuff.

  4. Awesome photo documentary work Victor! I’m glad you finally got the “like” button fixed by the way 🙂

    1. Hey Sam !! Thank you very much. It was conflict some plugin but everything is work now. Upgrades are not always for the good 😉 thank you very much

  5. Just wanted to say thanks for your like on my blog and that I’m very happy to find your site. I spent a happy 6 months in Israel in 1990 working on a Kibbutz (Ein Carmel just south of Haifa – sadly I believe is is a small town now). There are a few photos of Israel that I shot back then on the 35mm page of my blog if you want to take a look
    I look forward to exploring more of your site. It’s so interesting for me to see images of Israel from someone who lives there now and not just what I see on the TV news! Thanks. Miles

    1. Thank you for the kind words. I sure that Israel today looks very different from what you saw in 1990. I moved here in 1993 and very sad that i wasn’t in love with photography once. Thank you for recommend 35mm page.

  6. I still love this wonderful documentary work , Victor ! You capture the true essence of the emotion in each area you shoot . I still see some of the innocence in the eyes of the children . I just want to bundle them in my arms and take them away before they lose that playfulness and lose it to bitterness and fear that changes them for life . You can always hope they find a way to stay positive and have good helping hearts . I hate to see the look in the eyes of the elderly who are so wise because they have seen so much that they have just accepted the world as it is and continue to work and live as best they can. Thank you so much for sharing . I love your work and I wish I could visit one day and walk beside you and see and feel these things to share the important words to help describe what we need to do to help as mere human beings . I am still not willing to accept spreading the knowledge to help move forward change . It works best with photos and persuasive words. Then sometimes a photo speaks a thousand words . I admire your work very much , my friend ! I still feel one day I will visit your world and finally see you and all of your family and our lovely friends . ❤️🎈🎈❤️

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