Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Petah Tikva triangle – from the busy streets (part ii).


Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Petah Tikva triangle – from the busy streets (part ii).

With this post, I continue the series of the cities triangle I used to walk there with my camera. The great or the insignificant detail that is connecting all these images that no one can recognize the city where exactly all these images were taken. Or the country of their origin. If not to include to these shoots as a background some widely knows Western Wall or… damn I have no idea what it can be, we have no any Eifel tower here :-), but indeed some of the local friends will recognize some of the locations by the vibe and bcos of the small details. And this is the wonderful thing about social life documentation – this kind of photography does not need far and exotic places and long trips, when these known touristic icons are inconsequential for our storytelling about the real-life not depending on its location.

The concept of these posts is simple – 3 cities, 12 photographs, 4 images connected together by the locations but how important is this?

Right now the only plan in my “touristic” calendar for this year is a short trip to Madrid in summer. I have a few months to learn about the city and hope to find some interesting ideas about what I’m going to photograph there. I’m open to everything that is alive, moving, jumping, screaming or quiet and frozen 🙂 Let me know if you’re willing to be in touch and to meet for some collaboration, please.



Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Petah Tikva triangle - from the busy streets (part ii).



Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Petah Tikva triangle - from the busy streets (part ii).



Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Petah Tikva triangle - from the busy streets (part ii).



Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Petah Tikva triangle - from the busy streets (part ii).



Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Petah Tikva triangle - from the busy streets (part ii).



Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Petah Tikva triangle - from the busy streets (part ii).



Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Petah Tikva triangle - from the busy streets (part ii).



Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Petah Tikva triangle - from the busy streets (part ii).



Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Petah Tikva triangle - from the busy streets (part ii).



Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Petah Tikva triangle - from the busy streets (part ii).



Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Petah Tikva triangle - from the busy streets (part ii).



Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Petah Tikva triangle - from the busy streets (part ii).



7 Replies to “Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Petah Tikva triangle – from the busy streets (part ii).”

  1. Wow.. I adore your work You so good capturing the second moment! I also enjoy reading them ..Madrid.. jumping frozen ..all kinds I am sure you will find a great shots:):)

  2. Stunning, it just goes to show, it is not the camera that ‘takes’ and makes the photos, it is the photographers eye, feelings, sensitivity and also ability that does it.

    1. you’re so right Paula about this. ppl just ask me why i moved for my everyday photography to shis point and shoot and some of my friends and family related said something cynical about downgraded camera. but what exactly a camera is ?
      just a hole entering the light inside to the censor or the celluloid. the more important think is to know the strong and the weak sides of the gear that right now in photographers hand and to use them accordingly 😉
      thank you for the kind words

  3. always great to read what you have to say about your approach to photograph and amazing story-telling images… I haven’t planned to go anywhere this year except my usual trips to Hamburg from time to time and in summer I guess I’ll go to the beach nearby 🙂

    1. thank you for reading my short notes Christine. i spend the half day today in the mountains around Jerusalem, photographed with a film camera mostly foggy weather that was salted with a strong wind, pouring rain from time too time and 7° that is really cold for our usual temperature. well i used a thin gloves and during the final walk in the center part of Jerusalem also umbrella with a goal to safe the camera (umbrella wasn’t too useful at all). I felt like i never saw these places before – the difference in the condition of the light was extremely high.

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