Purim 2016 – carnival night in Jerusalem


Purim 2016 – carnival night in Jerusalem

i’m really happy that i arrived to Jerusalem in a time of the Purim carnival walk by mistake, because i never would do this on a plan. i’m not a big massive carnivals lover – don’t understand me wrong – i love people but only when i can choose the company for the “one on one” collaboration. I exaggerated a little bit – “one on a few” also good for me but “one on thousands” this is too much. so it’s was nice mistake and i enjoyed a walk, an observation and other goodies like beer, chips (yes it was fast food, but exactly what i wanted at this moment) and a loud noise of the big city. i hope that you will not be surprised when you will find the images of a carnival in black and white. yes i removed all the red/green/yellow/blue/other vibrant spots and had left the only emotions and expression of the celebrating people.

enjoy the BW carnival..
Purim 2016 - carnival night in Jerusalem

Purim 2016 - carnival night in Jerusalem

Purim 2016 - carnival night in Jerusalem

Purim 2016 - carnival night in Jerusalem

Purim 2016 - carnival night in Jerusalem

Purim 2016 - carnival night in Jerusalem

Purim 2016 - carnival night in Jerusalem

Purim 2016 - carnival night in Jerusalem

Purim 2016 - carnival night in Jerusalem

Purim 2016 - carnival night in Jerusalem

Purim 2016 - carnival night in Jerusalem

Purim 2016 - carnival night in Jerusalem

Purim 2016 - carnival night in Jerusalem
thank you

11 Replies to “Purim 2016 – carnival night in Jerusalem”

    1. Hey Paula ! I was in doubts – from one side a colorful carnival, from another side all these colors as usual distracted me ;-)). Thank you this guy was so cool !

  1. these are awesome, Victor… I can still see the colors though in BW, the shots are so expressive… are these all natural light, have you used a flash? I should go out of my comfort zone to try and take night shots… these are really wonderful!!

    1. Thank you Alexandra. I dont use flash for my night walks and same was this night – the only availabke light of the streets. When i started my journey in the low light photography i known nothing about but everything is about experience and after a few years of doing this i even changed my technique few month ago and got some better (by my opinion) results. So agree with you about the colors here

      1. thank you for your reply, Victor… yeah, a flash would produce different results in the streets, the photos won’t be as genuine I guess… wonderful work, once again!! the closest to low light photography I’ve ever been so far is an early morning sunrise lol 🙂 there was even this carnival recently in a neighboring Balkan country, which I was thinking of visiting but gave up on the idea cuz it would take place at night and I do not know how to shoot that :/ and it’s great you say it took you years, it’s encouraging for others, like me, to know it wasnt overnight 🙂 have a wonderful week ahead, Victor 🙂

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